


Taiwanese and Hong Kong democracy activists yesterd(永豐信貸)ay called for the immediate release of human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲), who has been detained incommunicado in China for two weeks.

There has been no word from Beijing on the charges against Lee Ming-che and it has also refused to disclose his whereabouts, something that should concern activists worldwide, Lin said.

Wong said that Lee’s detention and the Trump-Xi meeting (債務整合申請表)were behind his decision to call yesterday’s news conference, because he fears that human rights issues might be pushed aside in the trade-focused talks.

“The Lee Ming-che case is a touchstone of Beijing’s attitude toward [NGO] activities in China ahead of the Trump-Xi talks. It is yet to be seen whether China will continue to suppress such activities,” Lin said. “The US cannot excuse itself from China’s human rights violations if (原住民貸款2017)it wants to reassure its allies in the Asia-Pacif(如何跟銀行借錢)ic region.”

Their appeal came ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) scheduled meeting on(銀行借款條件) Thursday with US President Donald Trump.

Many(銀行信貸利率比較2017) fear that the US might allow China to(信用瑕疵貸款) retain its “core interests” of Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan, he said.

New Power Party Executive Chairman Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌), Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong (黃之鋒) and (整合債務銀行)former Sunflower movement leaders Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆) and Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) took part in a Taipei news conference where they condemned Lee’s detention and urged other nations, especially the US, to pay closer attention to China’s human rights violations.

“It is understandable why Lee’s wife, Lee Ching-yu (李淨瑜), decided not to employ a lawyer to rescue her husband since the detention could be a means of political suppression and the judicial process in China is of an ‘ornamental nature,’” Huang said.

“As a lo(土地銀行土地貸款利率)ng-term supporter of human rights and democracy, the US should not compromise those values in exchange for trade opportunities,” Huang said.

(軍人貸款利息)The detention of Lee Ming-che is not an isolated incident and Xi’s suppression of rights activists is being rigo(勞工貸款率利土地銀行)rously carried out, with participants and supporters of Hong Kong’s Umbrella movement in 2014 facing prosecution and likely prison sentences, Chen said.

The NPP lawmaker was sharply cr(急需現金5萬)itical of the Straits Exchange Foundation amid reports that it had denied a request from Lee Ming-che’s family to deliver his blood pressure medication t(渣打銀行信貸)o(桃園代書借款) him.

China under Xi has stepped up its suppression of rights activists over the past five years, Wong said, reminding reporters that he been stop(勞保局勞工貸款率利2017)ped from entering Thailand in October last year, when he had been due to speak in Bangkok, and was detained for 12 hours before being sent back to Hong Kong.

A Chinese law on foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which limits the activities of such groups in China, exposes international human rights activists to the risk of being detained in China the way that Lee has been, the lawmaker said.

“We have seen the helplessness of the Lee family against China’s authoritarian government. In addition to NGOs, our government has to prov(當鋪借錢)ide staunch support for Lee Ching-yu,” Huang said.

Wong blamed Chinese pressure for the incident.

The foundation should be abolished if it could not (急需現金周轉)even attend (循環理財貸款)(小額貸款率利最低銀行)the basic medical needs of a Taiwanese held in China, Huang said.


UNITED(房貸增貸買車) FRONT: Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong joined a New Power Party lawmaker and two former Sunflower movement leaders to condemn Lee’s continued detention

The Sunflower movement in 2014 prevented a cross-strait trade in services agreement from being approved without due legislative process, and the current government was elected on the back of a newly formed public consensus about China, “but what does that prove when there is still a Taiwanese being held in China?” Chen said.(台中民間借貸)

By Chen Wei-han(台北哪裡可以借錢) / Staff reporter

US Secretary of(有信用瑕疵貸款) State Rex Tillerson’s comment that the US and China would pursue relations on the principles of “non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation” used rhetoric akin to that of the Chinese Communist Party, Chen said.

Lee, an instructor at Wenshan Community College and a former Democratic Progressive Party employee, “disappeared” after his arrival in China from Macau on March 19. The Chinese government only announced 10 days later that Lee had been detained for engaging in “activities endangering national security.”

Huang, Wong, Lin and Chen asked Beijing to disclose Lee Ming-che’s whereabouts and ensure his rights to visitation, medical care and legal assistance.



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